Yanpeng Yu

Yanpeng Yu

Third-year PHD student @ Yale University

Yale University


Download my resumé.

I am a third-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science, Yale University, advised by Professor Anurag Khandelwal and Professor Lin Zhong. My research interests include memory disaggregation, operating systems, distributed systems, and computer networks. Prior to my Ph.D. study, I was an undergraduate student at Peking University.

  • memory disaggregation
  • cache coherence protocols
  • distributed systems
  • Research Intern, 2024-2024

    Architecture Research Group, NVIDIA Corporation

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2024-present

    Yale University

  • M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2021-2024

    Yale University

  • B.Sc. in Computer Science and Technology, 2017-2021

    Peking University

Recent Publications

(2023). GCS: Generalized cache coherence for efficient and scalable synchronization. In Submission.

(2021). MIND: In-Network Memory Management for Disaggregated Data Centers. SOSP'21.
